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♦LAKORDA INTELLECT♦ NEW VISION WITH LAKORDA INTERACTIVE PRODUCTS♦LEGAL INTELLECT♦ For a first time you are in position to determine the way to use the statutory texts – along with the legal provisions you can read annotations and interpretations by the supreme courts and institutions pertaining to them. Tens of thousands of annotations are organized in legal topics and related to the court decisions and judgments they are based on.
Court decisions and judgments come to you with outlined basic legal conclusions and direct access to related annotations on similar cases. LEGAL INTELLECT saves you endless hours and efforts of reading and rationalizing a vast volume of legal knowledge. 
♦BUSINESS INTELLECT♦ interactive environment allowing you to follow visually connections and contacts among companies, managers, partners, managerial agents with the authority to sign in the name of the company, persons affected by attachment, other officially registered dependencies. Persons selected by you are immediately outlined against a multitude of other related to them individuals or companies. You need a single glance to comprehend complicated business structures, schemes, implicit connections and relations. BUSINESS INTELLECT provides you with detailed graphic survey for each of million of persons and their relations. You have the opportunity to dynamically determine and easily percept information drawn in freely selected depth. |
ЛАКОРДА АД спечели за пореден път срещу Апис. Този път в Софийски градски съд. Това е първото дело за България, при което СГС се обърна за тълкувание към Съда на Европейските общности. И в Люксембург, и в София, ЛАКОРДА АД се представлява от водещите адвокати в областта на интелектуалната собственост - адвокат Десислава Матева и адвокат Момчил Младенов от юридическа кантора АРСИС Консултинг. В произнесеното на 10 февруари 2012 г. решение, съдът изцяло опроверга над 5-годишните клевети на управителя на Апис, за които вече беше неколкократно глобен от Комисията за защита на конкуренцията и Върховния административен съд. Също така, по делото бяха изнесени данни за нередности във финансовата отчетност и управлението на Апис. Въпреки натрупаните емоции, ЛАКОРДА АД протяга ръка за партньорство към клиентите и честните служители на своя конкурент, които също бяха заблуждавани от управителя на Апис. Както винаги досега, така и занапред, ЛАКОРДА АД ще прилага най-високите стандарти за продукти и обслужване на пазара в интерес на своите потребители. |
BUSINESS CHART STAY INFORMED WITH LAKORDA’S NEWEST PRODUCT ♦ Unavailable until now analyses and unique diagrams for the companies you are interested in ♦ Be faster and better informed for your business intelligence and marketing research ♦ Reduce the risk related to your contractual, credit and debt recovery activities ♦ Analyze in dept the indicators of your potential clients and suppliers ♦ Compare graphically your financial results and forecasts with those for your competitors ♦ ONLY LAKORDA can tell you how sound is the company you investigate BUSINESS CHART saves you time and money, providing you with instant access to financial diagrams and forecasts on companies’ stability: ♦ Companies’ financial condition and results for the last three years analysis ♦ Indicators measuring:- • companies’ capabilities to meet their obligations
- • companies’ management of receivables, storage, obligations and sales
- • companies’ success in generating income, assets and capital from their own investments
♦ Forecast on companies stability for the next two years Example: BUSINESS CHART for "ECONOMEDIA" AD 
Liquidity – indicators measuring the capability of “ECONOMEDIA” AD to meet its obligations 
Efficiency - indicators measuring how “ECONOMEDIA” AD manages receivables, storage, obligations and sales 
Profitability - indicators measuring the success of “ECONOMEDIA” AD in generating income, assets and capital from its own investments 
Forecast on “ECONOMEDIA” AD stability for the next two years based on its financial results for 2010 
News 11.08.2009 ACTS IN ENGLISH The product now contains the English language version of the new Family Code (State Gazette No 47/2009). |
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